Episode 186: Attack and Dethrone All Abusers

It’s pretty simple. Anyone who abuses anyone else should be held to the highest scrutiny available to us, the general public. That tends to be the “court of public opinion” and the highest scrutiny lately tends to be cancellation. That may seem cruel, especially since facts can come out later to muddy the waters of what happened, but we’re not investigators and we’re not attorneys. Our duties don’t lie in protecting those presumed innocent until proven guilty; that’s the court system’s job. Our duties lie in supporting those without power to the extent that may see justice rendered onto someone with power. It’s an uphill battle and it takes a lot of bravery to stand in the face of societal norms and fight that power differential. I know some people like saying “but it’s really the court’s job to render who is guilty and what is right and true,” but the court system in America has served the rich, powerful, and able way too much in recent days (Brock Turner, for example) for that to be true any more. It may seem harsh to cancel people on the whims of what could be called “mob mentality,” but for some, this is the only chance they have at seeing justice. It’s not always possible to show the receipts and have evidence that proves one thing one way or another. Sometimes, all these victims have is their words. So it’s time to start listening.

Also Nightwing is like, a decent hero. I mean he’s okay. He’s fine. He’s not great.