Tag Archives: Austin Texas

Episode 90: John’s Guide to Austin, Texas

Greetings traveler and welcome to here, the Portland of Texas, Austin, Texas. John’s got all the hot tips and the secrets of this here city of Texas Angels and he’s split them up into four distinct quadrants. Come on down to Downtown Austin, Texas or over to East Austin, Texas or even The Domain. Come debate over whether or not Central Austin is a thing that actually exists or not. We’ve. Got. It. All. We even have weird dives into the latest politically themed dating sites that seem oddly restrictive and weirdly accepting. Only in Austin can you find people calling for the repeal of the Dickey Amendment, no seriously please call your representative and tell them you are interested in repealing the Dickey Amendment. In the center of Austin you find the center of everything and right next to that, you can find yourself. Your reason for being. Call it Ikigai. Call it raison d’être. Just don’t call it late for supper. It’s a lighthearted romp through Austin with several heavy handed messages on here, the one, the only Zero Credit(s). Here.


Episode 81: A Most Quarrelsome Quadrant

You’ve been waiting for it, listeners. And it’s here. It’s finally, finally here. Henry and John are in the same geographic location and it is GETTING HOG CRAZY IN HERE. A manic spirit has inhabited the body of John, and that spirit (you guessed it) is the Spirit of Adventure. Now, free from the bindings of anonymity, Henry and John openly discuss their city of residence. Does that mean you can mail them pictures you took of their house? Yeah! It’s an Austin-centric episode, where the boys discuss almost nothing but the fastest (?) growing city (?) in America (?). The boys cover it all: traffic. So join us on this week’s episode of Zero Credit(s) and Keep It Sebulba.