Tag Archives: Commercials

Episode 331: Water off the Back of Andy Reid

It’s our annual Big Game episode and what a Big Game it was – we’ve got statistician Henry to bring us all the important stats of the game and resident sports enjoyer John to give us the color commentary. That and an analysis of the night’s big big commercials, right here on Zero Credit(s).

Banner Image for Episode 250 of Zero Credit(s)

Episode 250: An ARG Arc Arch

Six years in the making, 249 episodes in the mainline series, it is time for Zero Credit(s) to enter its next phase. Episode 250 is a return to form and an unleashing of raw, pent up frustration of the state of the world through the lens of critiquing commercials. That time honored Zero Credit(s) pass time of reviewing Big Game commercials is here, along with some general talk of the future. Henry and John are in rare form, and there’s not been a stronger episode in years. It’s here for you, dear Fams. We hope you enjoy the end of season five.


Featured Music:
Extreme Sport Trap Music | PISTA by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

Episode 210: The Big Game Fifty-Five

That’s right. Another year, another attempt to use the Big Game as a litmus test of cultural happenings. Does it ever really work? Eh, who is to say? All we know is the game was kind of boring and the commercials were also kind of boring. And in the middle of a pandemic, is it worth gathering 25,000 fans and who knows how many personnel into one close-quarters area for the sake of a kind of boring game? Probably not. Probably wasn’t worth it all, if we’re being honest. Like, we would get more value out of something else that cost this amount of money, to be sure. But all we have is beer and football to show for our efforts. Plus we break down most of the commercials! It’s all here on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 88: Foot Ball Sunday Special

The great Foot Ball Sunday Day is an event that happens but once every year, Dear Listener, and the ZC Boys could not be more excited to cover all the great events surrounding the Big Game. Not the game itself, mind, just the events surrounding it. We’re talking the commercials, the advertisements, the …third word for commercials. It’s a commercial heavy episode of Zero Credit(s), but the only thing we’re selling is a quick look into the cultural pulse of the nation. Also, Europe’s being overrun by a mutant crawfish. That’s not a joke or anything, it’s just something that is currently happening and Henry’s got all the details to enlighten us before it all ends in a river, where no one can here you blub. Strap yourself down for some edification, Zero Credit(s) starts as soon as you hit the play button yourself, we can’t do that for you. Oh man, if we could though. Boom, everywhere. Everywhere you look, people would be listening to Zero Credit(s), whether they like it or not, endlessly, forever. Enjoy!