Tag Archives: podcast

Episode 150: Too Lazy for a Clip Show…

As all our dear fams will know, every 50 episodes marks the beginning of a new season here on Zero Credit(s). And each new season brings a new wave of life into the show. The first season, we found our footing. The second season, we tried copying every other podcast out there. The third season, we abandoned that because it was dumb. And that brings us to the current season. Season 4. The season where everything changes. How will it change? I guess we’ll find out. The important thing is, we are continuing the show. The show you know and love will be here in some form. And to that end, we thank everyone for listening. We wouldn’t be doing this without you.

So what’s in this episode? Well, let’s just say things get a little tWiStEd as we welcome special guest The Joker on our airwaves. We also delve into the dumbness that is the whole Saturday Night Live controversy. I mean, it’s not hard to be a nice person, so it’s not really a controversy. It’s more just an idiot feeling the consequences of being an idiot. There’s no need to blow things out of proportion. You can’t really blame the cat for catching the mouse, so to speak.

Anyway, 150 episodes of Zero Credit(s) in the can. Here’s to 150 more. Enjoy the new song.

Episode 35: Zero Accountability aka “ZC Goes Offline”

Listener, the ZC boys have been on a journey. After being ousted from the safe-haven of Google Drive, Zero Credit(s) was forced to exist offline for quite some time, and boy did they take advantage of the situation. With the freedom that comes with no consequences, we tear into other podcasts who fall short of their promised goals. But let’s not talk about that (#ZeroCreditsMarcMaronBeef, #ZeroCreditsHowDidThisGetMadeBeef). Instead, let’s talk about why people love Halloween so much. I mean, people turning into Jackerlanterns? That’s strange. But is it as strange as John’s new segment where he quizzes Henry’s academic skills? We’re not sure. All we know is, if you have famous friends, you’re obligated to put them in all of your projects. Follow us on Facebook; follow us to Blubrry; follow us as we dive into the murky waters of Pirate Podcast Radio!

Featured Music:
Drop A Day’s “Pug Attack”
And some CCTV footage of a Czech police siren