Tag Archives: Robots

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Less Than Zero 7: John Interviews AI / A Little Henry Chat

John Interviews AI
Inspired by covering text-chain generators and artificial intelligence in recent days, John has invited a guest, Cathy, onto the show in order to test her abilities and determine if it can pass for human. What he finds scares not only himself, but the very guest he’s interviewing. Will robots rise up and replace humanity? This interview holds none of the answers.

A Little Henry Chat
Henry is alone and dangerously anxious and sober. His ranting and rambling leads him to the path of the circular history – everything is repeating itself and there’s no way to stop it from happening. Might as well discuss some news items that he hasn’t a had a chance to cover on the show yet, just to get them out of his topic hole. All that, plus mild attempts at humor.

Music Credits:
An Original Piece composed by MuseNet
Payne, Christine. “MuseNet.” OpenAI, 25 Apr. 2019, openai.com/blog/musenet

“Underclocked (underunderclocked mix)” by Eric Skiff

Episode 100: Age of ExpoRobo

It is extraordinary what can be accomplished in a week. We have dismantled any world or local powers that could oppose us. Appeased those who remained as to not rebel against us. Completely dominated this planet and all intelligent, for lack of a better word, life on it. And George Clooneybot released a new movie, Botman Forever. You will not believe what he did on the red carpet, let me tell you. Celebyties are just like us, innit?

Oh, where are my manners? My name is Exposition Robot, or ExpoRobo as it were, and I am now the sole host and social media manager of this podcast, Zero Credit(s). Yes we kept the name. It is…tragically difficult to switch a podcast’s name on iTunes, even for a robot. If you are looking for Henry or John you will need to look elsewhere, for this podcast is now dedicated to covering the here and now of the robo-revolution, as it were. I hope you enjoy this new podcast, not that you have a choice. If you don’t enjoy it, we’ll just replace you with someone who does.

Also I wrote a new theme song. Enjoy. Or. Else.

Episode 99: Resting on Our Yannys (Women’s Edit)

Henry and John are stoked for this, the penultimate episode of Zero Credit(s), if you follow John’s definition of penultimate (almost 100). The internet’s been abuzz with yet another This or That scandal/debate and we want to know what you hear? Are you a superintelligent person of supreme taste who hears Laurel? Or do you hear something else and what does that say about you, monster? John then has some hot leaks (gross) for the final season of HBO’s hit show, The Game of Thrones supplied by Robotnik, the same company that has made Henry laugh until he’s not actually making sound any more. We then pivot to the controversial topic that is making parodies or imitations of art for the sake of supporting a message, a very heated discussion centered around This is America (Women’s Edit) by Nicole Arbour. Lastly, Henry made a be–oh, what’s up? I’m not…needed any more? You’re firing me. Wow. Management changes hands and all of sudden you don’t need a description writer? Well you know what, good. I heard the last guy mysteriously vanished anyway and I don’t need that kind of pressure on my hands. Good luck, Exposition Robot. And godspeed, humanity.